In less than one weekwill be releasedBadPiggiesforAndroidandiOSdevices.Roviohas finally decided toshowhow it willbethis gamethat bringsthe evilpigsofAngry Birdsseriesknownas main characters.
BadPiggieswill have avery differentgameplayof AngryBirds.Isa puzzle game thatwillput playersto exercisecreativity.Herewe have tobuildcars and airplanesfromsimple materialsto bringpigsfrom one point toanotherin scenariosfilled withobstacles.
BadPiggiesarriveson the 27thfor AndroidandiOSversions forPC, Mac, andWindows Phonewill arrivelater.
PuranUtilitiesis acompleteandusefulfree tool thatprovides itsusers with aset ofmore than 20utilities forpropermaintenanceof ourWindows operating system.With all the optionsavailablewe canget better performancefrom our computerwith the greatadded valueof the 'automatic mode',that with justa click of themousekeepsyour computerclean and free oferrors.
SoundLockisa smalland smarttool that doesexactlywhat the namesays,allows
you to limitthe output levelofthesoundreproductionby detecting theplayback volumereducing ittothe
levelpreviously setby us.
you activate theSoundLock, you don’t needto adjustthe soundaccording to thescenesof a movie orgame type, because theSoundLockautomatically
adjuststhe system volumeper
channel(up to 14 channels),
and generates asoft soundaround theexistingplaybackthus leading toglobal harmonizationof sound.
controlsavailable allow us toeasilyset the limitsound outputby draggingthe slider tothe levelwe desire. For bettersound levelblockSoundLockallows you to setlevelsper channelor
License: Freeware OS: Windows Vista/7/8 Download: Sound Lock 1.3.1[553 KB]
The security updateis toplug ahole inJavathat was recentlyadded to theBlackholeexploittool.Despite the urgencyand importanceof this componentof the upgrade, Oraclemakes no mentionaboutthe dangerousnessof the situation andthe updatedubbedsimply"RecommendedVersion 7Update 7".
It has beenconfirmedthat thevulnerability affectsusersofWindows,LinuxandMacOSX.Thebugis presentinJRE1.7isthe latest version.Applehad decided,since theLionversionof last yearthat it wouldstop offeringJava installedon their machines,thatpolicyremainedwith theMountainLion.However, users canmanually installJavaon your computer.
Thecomputer security expertTodBeardsleyalso confirmed thatthe flawaffectsMacs.Justyouhave thisversion ofJavainstalledand visitany pagethat has been configuredfor an attackandis replaced byyour computerat the mercy ofhackers.
It is expectednowthat Oraclecanrelease asecurity updatefor failure.For nowyou should keeptheversion1.6 ordisable Javain your browser.
How to improvea wireless network? In thisarticle I willgive some tipsto try to improvethe qualityofwireless signalin our house,in order to havea more stable network,withfewer breaksand abetterdebt.
1 -Place thewirelessrouter(or access point)at the midpoint
Sowe can getcover moreareas(bedroom, living room, kitchen,etc.)from our house, causingthe signal tohigher quality.If we putouraccess pointat one end,possiblyat the other endthesignal strengthis not the best.
2 -Keep therouteraway from walls,metal objects, glass,etc.
We musttry tomove awayourWiFirouter from metals, some types offloors, glassor othersurfaces thatare subject tointerference.Equipment such asmicrowaves,drills,etcarealsoa lot of interferencesources.Makean analysis ofthespectrum.
3 -Replacethe antennaof the router (if possible)
The antennasthat come withtherouterare usuallyomni-directionalsignalthat istransmittedin all directions.Ifyour router isnearan outside wall,'half'of the signalwill not bepassedbecause it will bediffusedout of the house(for example).In this sensewe can choosean antenna withmore gain(DBIS)and alsodirectional orsectoral,focusingthe signalin a place/areaspecific.
The gameLeft 4Dead 2hada14% higherperformanceon a Linux system compared to aWindows systemwith the samehardware configuration.
The game wastestedon a machinewith an IntelCorei73930k,NvidiaGeForceGTX680 and32GB ofRAM.In thesystem withUbuntu12 andOpen GL, thegame hasaperformanceof 315FPS,while theWindows 7 machinewasupby270.6FPS.
The research teamconcluded that theValveOpen GLis more efficientto processdata thanDirect3Dtechnology.TheLinuxValveteamwill still haveto battlea lot, especiallyto getwork with thegraphics card manufacturerssuch asAMDorNvidia.
These testsare publisheddays afterthe CEO ofValvehave statedthat Windows 8wasadisaster andthat the companywould turnoverto Linux.
TheAmazingAlex isagame whereakid,Alex,has a hugeimagination andbegins to inventchain reactionsin hismessy room.The challengeis to createaharmony betweenthe playerand the ideas ofAlexin order tohelp youachieve thegoal of each level:hit the ballto the basket,put booksin the basket,etc..
Depending on the levels, you need tograb, moveand adjustwood decks, books,balloons, scissorsand more, all toachieve the goaland progressin the game.There are100 levelsavailable immediately andare guaranteedupdateswith new levels.
The release date to Minecraft 1.3 is in August 1st.
Performance improvements, including reduced CPU, RAM & bandwidth requirements.
Updated Pistons
to make them less error-prone, thus they also appear to update slower.
This also altered the way Pistons work, so you might have to adapt your repeater delays and similar.
Added /debug <start|stop> command.
Signs are stackable up to 16.
Crafting them now gives 3 signs instead of 1 with the same recipe.
Creative mode inventory now shows potion effects.
Boats now drop the boat item when destroyed by a player.
In creative mode, Boats and Minecarts are destroyed in one click.
Gaining Experience from mining ore is now different for each type of ore. (Mining Coal will give you the least amount while Diamond Ore & Emerald Ore will give the most amount of XP).
Fortune enchantments no longer affect Experience drop rates
The Debug (F3) Pie chart now shows the game rendering performance (White)
Nether Wart can now grow in the Overworld and The End
Bug Fixes:
All text on the signs is gone upon loading the world, the text is actually still saved but not shown.
Additionally, pigs show in all spawners. Both have been confirmed fixed for next snapshot.
The snapshot may give "Internal Server Error" randomly, kicking the player.
Quickly reconnecting may result in a crash of the Minecraft client.
When the server is set to spawn-monsters=false The server still naturally spawns them.
Microsoft hasjust confirmedthe pricetoupgradefrompreviousversions of Windows andis clearly demonstratedthat the betis towardsamassupdate, especiallyfor those stillusing Windows XP orVista.
The methodof upgrading toWindows 8will be assimple as possible, froman older version,without the usualcomplications offormatsand "boots"from anotherdrive.The assistant thatallows you to dosoonline,is capable of generatingacompletecompliance reportdetailing theproblemsthat may ariseafter theupgrade, whichmay stop workingand whatneeds to be doneto avoid such problems.
There will also beable to choosewhether tokeep some informationfrom your oldWindows.Inthree
The 1.3 version should be out soon i hope, so far we have the snapshots.
And these are the news:
Added an "Open to LAN" menu in the in-game menu, which allows
players to open their world to other players. In the menu, the player
can choose to turn cheats on or off, and choose the game mode.
The multiplayer menu now scans for LAN servers (singleplayer worlds which are on the same LAN and have been published with the /publish command).
Villagers may remove a trade option after it has been used at least 3 times.
Added wooden stairs for the remaining three wood types (spruce, birch and jungle).
Redstone (including repeaters, torches, levers, and pressure plates) and Rails can now be placed on slabs and stairs positioned upside down.
Removed the downwards knockback while drowning.
Pigs now drop 1-3 Porkchops instead of 0-2.
Improved memory usage.[2]
“A lot of smaller changes and fixes”.
The /tp command now allows teleporting to specified coordinates.
The syntax for this is /tp [target player] <x> <y> <z>.
The other functionality of the /tp command is still there.
Will betwodifferent base models, onewith WindowsRT, and the otherwith WindowsPro8Each one of these models will havesub-models with differentcapabilities.
So last week snapshot doesn't any news, it was only to fix some bugs...
But this week we have more great news
Allowed those connected to a player's LAN network to join SP games
The player can now use “/publish” to open your single-player
game for LAN players to join. This is still very much work in progress,
so it lacks some necessary settings such as what game mode players will
get, and if they should be able to use cheats or not. Also, the
“/publish” command is temporary, since the player can not even access it
if they have not enabled cheats (LAN connections will be GUI based in
the future)
Added the /tp command from multiplayer to singleplayer, allowing teleporting between players.
The player can now place Levers on the underside of blocks, upside-down[2]
Improved Ender Chests
Now has an inventory per player and not per world. Also, knocking down the chest will break it into 8 obsidian, unless the player has Silk Touch
It has now beenreleased another version, the Release Preview, which goes to showwhat has been donesince Februaryand thatmay be the lastpublic releasebefore the official launchof Windows 8.
This new version, availablein 14 languages, includes, in addition to Windows 8, InternetExplorer10 and8newWindows applicationsto connect toHotmail, MessengerandSkyDrive(and more). Were alsoaddedhundreds ofnew applicationsinWindowsStore.
System Requirements
TheWindows 8PreviewReleaseworks on the samehardwarethat Windows 7:
Processor:1gigahertz (GHz) or faster
RAM: 1gigabyte(GB) of RAM(32bit) or2GB ofRAM(64bits)
To use thetactilefeatures, you need a tabletor monitorthat supportsmultitouch.
To visit theStoreWindows andto downloadapplicationsand run them, you need anactive Internetconnectionandascreen withaminimum resolution of1024x768. To dockapplications, you need a screen withaminimum resolutionof 1366x768. Internet access